Me & The Horse I Rode In On

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I boarded the bus at the end of a long day. It was 4:33 and the bus was to depart at 4:35. The bus that leaves on the 1/2 hour takes longer to get me home, so I just wanted to get on the road when at 4:34, an Abercrombie-clad, Bath & Body Works reeking, fried blond, fake-tanned moron walked up to the entrance to the bus. I was in the back but I'm positive the "Gardenia Blossom" attacking my nose wasn't coming from the middle-aged professor.

"Excuse me", she demanded of the driver, "wlahawt aolbi alkth apioybp?" I couldn't entirely make out what she was saying, suffice it to say she wanted to know something about the route or departing time. The bus driver answered her question. The clock turned 4:35. "Yeah, but alkno bpoiah the bus poiatn leave??", she continued. The bus driver motioned ahead and was apparently giving her directions. I could hear the tone in her voice become even more vapid and self-possessed. This time, I was absolutely clear on what she said. "WHERE? I'm just trying to get the right bus, OKAY?" My eyes narrowed. Out of her line of sight, I could make whatever face I wanted without feeling embarrassed. I went for "YOU'RE A STUPID SKANKY BITCH".

The clock turned 4:37. After answering many different questions to this idiot, the bus driver finally proclaimed, "there's a system map right over there, like I told you. I'm leaving now." Oh, so she had been told there was a system map and continued to ask questions?? I was livid. I blame the bus driver for not being more forceful when he could have been, but I was too enraged at this mommy-and-daddy suckling, jobless, trust fund whore to care. Okay, so maybe she doesn't have a trust fund.

We've all encountered these types before. Robin has a theory that young America has a self-esteem problem, but not in the way we usually think of it. I agree, in that the young people (especially those raised on MTV and the like) have way, waaayyyy too much self-esteem. They feel entitled to demand whatever they want from those they view as providing a service to them. In this case, it was the bus driver, but I've seen similar cases in restaurants where similar-looking space cadets walk right up to the host and demand, "So like, what kind of food doya serve here??" Glancing around one notices sombreros, frescoes of Mexican villages, ponchos and lots of green and red. The hostess answers, only to have the bitch retort, "So I can't, like, get a burger?"

These kids are everywhere on campus. One need only take a 30 second stroll down 13th to hear the distinct pitch of a self-indulgent, label-obsessed fetus whining for attention. I shouldn't let it get to me so much, but I can't help it. I need someone to blame. The parents for giving these idiots anything they want without making them work for anything? Absolutely. The media for helping turn a young mind into nothing more than a model consumer? Indeed. But mostly, I blame southern California.


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