Me & The Horse I Rode In On

Friday, October 20, 2006

Run Foley! RUUUUUN!!!

I'm beginning to get annoyed at the cavalcade of excuses Mark Foley is spewing through his own mouth or his lawyer's concerning a few *indescretions* with the Pages.

First he was gay, then he was an alcoholic and then he was molested. Now a priest has come forward of his own accord to back up (heh heh...back up) Mr. Foley. I'm no conspiracy theorist about the priest coming forward with such perfect timing because those who believe in such theories don't know how Catholics are. One of the most sure-fire ways into heaven is to admit your sins, ask forgiveness and do so in a spirit of contrition.But is that what being a good Catholic is all about? Just biding your time until the pearly gates? Of course not. In the mean time, you get to molest hot little boys who are just asking for it with all their hotness.

Suppression of one's sexuality is key in this issue. I don't pretend to be a sexual psychologist and I know that molesting children isn't as simple as "they're just crazy". On the other hand, what I do know of psychology is that when you suppress parts of your core self, nasty little manifestations will pop up (into young boys). Those who try and pretend for years and years that they're not gay run into serious problems; namely, some pretty harsh identity issues. Perhaps the result of Mr. Foley's sexual molestation as a young boy resulted in a broken individual. Perhaps it was the suppression of his sexuality, perhaps a combination of both, or perhaps we should all just get a clue and realize how HOT those pages are.

Why do I have no sympathy? The reason is simple - none of this would be happening if Foley hadn't been caught. He wouldn't be trying to atone for his sins, he wouldn't be asking forgiveness, he wouldn't be resigning from congress.

Members of the gay community have had to face so much adversity to convince others that we're not some sort of abhorration in the genetic spectrum. It's nasty, it's confusing, it's an all together horrific experience to have the courage to come out and live happily. When you liberate yourself from those feelings of guilt, of terror, of embarrassment, you learn something vital about yourself. For each person this experience is vastly different, but we do share in its magnitude.

Mr. Foley, you've got some issues. You need therapy. You need a reality check. I can say this with authority because I have no issues. I've dealt with all mine. There will never be any issues for me to have ever again unless I run into a page. YUM.


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