As many of you know, I am a man of many words. More often than not, the necessary information you require of me will be buried in a lavish tapestry of breath-taking narrative. Sometimes, the necessary information will get lost completely, which means that I will again have to weave a story of mystery and excitement for you. When I'm on a roll, words often pop into my head that do not, according to modern English, exist. Those of you who keep up with my ramblings have seen these words in action! For some reason, lately I have become inundated with new creations and would like to share them with you. I would like to ask, dear readers, that we take it one step further. I know how I would define the words, but I'm curious as to how you would define any or all of my brilliant creations. Enjoy!
- Delivarious
- Lustonomous
- Retarious
- Kruptonic
- Jymonic
- Zirantic
- Pugously
- Camously
- Varinaciously
# Delivarious: Pizza that tastes like delivery pizza. Don't let the Digiorno people find out about this one.
# Lustonomous: A person who is so incredibly attractive that just looking at him/her makes you weak in the knees.
# Retarious: Nausea-inducing
# Kruptonic: An adjective used to describe something that smells so awful it makes your eyes water.
# Jymonic: A word I very much want to be able to use in Scrabble. Also, an adjective describing a particularly fast type of dance music.
# Zirantic: Contains ingredients that make you feel better when you're sick. ("That orange juice is so zirtanic.")
# Pugously: Pretending to be tougher than you are (much in the way little dogs like pugs think they are rotweillers).
# Camously:
# Varinaciously: Changing your mind frequently
And as a bonus, the definition of y word verification:
"tzuazxx" The sound my cat makes right before she barfs.
Copy Editor, At
6:09 PM
God, these are so easy. Can't you come up with anything harder than that? (That's what she said.)
Delivarious = delivered by a relay team
Lustonomous = lusting after yourself
Retarious = now you're just being silly. That's totally not a word.
Kruptonic = powered by espresso
Jymonic = a nymphomaniac fifth wheel who actually has the gall to sit between a couple at a movie and inappropriately touches both of them
Zirantic = out-of-character behavior exhibited by someone on allergy medication
Pugously = describes the speech patterns of a woman who owns three pugs and feels that they all speak/understand English
Camously = describes any actions performed while in camouflage
Varinaciously = purple
April, At
9:01 PM
Delivarious: (adj.) of or being related to any action performed by a delivery person, esp. US Post Office employees. See "going postal."
Lustonomous: (adj.) Being sexually attracted to a person you don't know, esp. models in magazine ads and pornographic films.
Retarious: (adj.) Describes a person who laughs at mentally challenged people.
Kruptonic: A popular musical style originating from Krupp, Washington. Usually contains unorthodoz instruments like the nose flute, jaw harp, hurdy gurdy and skin flute.
Jymonic: Refers to a system or technique used to erase or hinder memory. (antonyms: mnemonic)
Zirantic: Euphoric mental state induced by an overdose on antihistamines. Sometimes compared to "Robitrippin'"
Pugously: (adv.) Acting in a pugous manner.
Camously: (adv.) Acting in a manner that gives the illusion your nose is flat.
Varinaciously: (adv.) See Pugously.
Mr. Burns, At
1:06 PM
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