Me & The Horse I Rode In On

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Sonnet XXIII, John Milton

Methought I Saw . . .

Methought I saw my late espoused Saint
Brought to me like Alcestis from the grave,
Whom Jove's great Son to her glad Husband gave,
Rescu'd from death by force though pale and faint.
Mine as whom washt from spot of child-bed taint,
Purification in the old Law did save,
And such, as yet once more I trust to have
Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint,
Came vested all in white, pure as her mind:
Her face was veil'd, yet to my fancied sight,
Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd
So clear, as in no face with more delight.
But O, as to embrace me she inclin'd,
I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fire Dance

Check me out! Damn I love this stuff:

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Flowering Urine Tree

Robin was called into work early this morning. We went to bed really early last night (around 10:45) so I can't fall back asleep. That's okay because I got plenty of sleep. Enjoying some morning coffee, I was staring out our living room window at the beautiful trees surrounding our apartment. There's one across the street which is huge and whose colors are turning bright orange and yellow. Three others, whose branches lift straight towards the sky (which makes them skinny, hence, the "Ally McBeal trees" which I just made up right now but I'm going to stick with it because they're skinny like Ally McBeal) and they are notoriously slow at changing colors, but they're slowly turning. Directly behind the Ally McBeals sits a Flowering Urine Tree...

Named by my father, we used to have a Flowering Urine Tree at our old house. It was some variety of maple and beginning in March, the Flowering Urine Tree would begin its Flowering phase and grow tiny buds which would blossom into beautiful cream colored flowers which had little to no smell whatsoever. Once the flowers began to wilt and fall off (around June and July), you could rest assured the Urine production would begin immediately. For June and July it would sit, producing its sweet urine which collected in tiny specks all over the leaves. Then, usually in August and September, the Flowering Urine Tree would be in "full bladder mode" and begin its tortuous reign.

Our driveway was right next to our front yard, as with most people's driveways. We could also park in front of our yard, which we frequently did. The Flowering Urine Tree would wait for weeks gathering its sticky goo until a slight breeze (or none when the sap would get too heavy and fall anyway) would rain the Urine all over our cars. Depending on which side of the car was facing our yard, the door would open with a "SCHLUK" if you were the first to open it. Washing the car was totally pointless because the Flowering Urine Tree, just to spite us, would continue its lovely cycle for two months. "So," you ask, "you didn't wash your cars for two months?" Precisely.

Luckily, no one has to park below the Flowering Urine Tree next to our apartment. It sits next to a city parking lot that is only full during the election season. All other times, it is abandoned except when we park there for a few moments if we need to run up to the apartment for something.

Cheers to you, Flowering Urine Tree. I realize it's just part of your cycle as a living thing. You caused us grief for two months out of the year, compared to the 12 months we pillage the environment for our own benefit. Come to think of it, I thank you for Urinating all over us and our vehicles. Now I know how the earth must feel each and every day we're around.

(Oh, I'm sorry, did you actually think you'd get away without me writing something philosophical/political/annoying? You don't know me very well then, do you?)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Open Letter To Our President

Dear George (W.),

This letter serves as my formal request for consideration of any major government position you have available. I would like to state that as a homosexual, I would make a valued addition to the pantheon of cultural backrounds already present in your appointees. I feel that I would work particularly well with the Department of Defense, because getting Donald Rumsfeld and I together would be like Perfect Strangers! Remember when Balfi ate the golf ball thinking it was an egg? That would be just like Donny and me. I would eat some important document and he'd be all, "Paaaaattttriiiiick! Where's my letter to the Pentagon?!", and I'd be all, "But Rummie! Eet vwas sho veery good!" (enter Fred Willard: "Hey, wha happen?").

Sorry, I'm rambling. I also think I would make a valued addition to our government because I am an American citizen, I have limited international travel experience, so you and I would have lots to talk about! I only speak a little French, but I promise I don't like them very much. Hee hee! The French are so funny, don't you think? Aah, look at mee. I ahm so very very Franch an I am so bettur zhan you!

So, why do I really think I'd make a good candidate for the job? Well, given your recent appointments of John Roberts, John Bolton and Harriet Miers, I'm definately as qualified as they are, perhaps even more so! Oh, and sorry to hear about our late FEMA director, Michael Brown. Hey, but that's what happens when you appoint someone who is too qualified for their position, right? Did you know that I can play piano and read philosophy? I can even do it at the same time, but I have limited success because it's hard to do two things at once, don't you agree? I mean, it's just like being on vacation while a natural disaster is occurring. People were so critical of your response, but if I were on vacation, I'd stay on vacation until it was almost over too! That's what makes sense after all. Do one thing at a time, you know?

Anyway, I hope you'll give my letter serious consideration. Take care, have fun ruin- I mean, running, our country!

Yours Truly,

Patrick Aaron Moore