Me & The Horse I Rode In On

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day!!!

For those of you living in areas where snow in the winter is a constant nuisance, the following excitedly-worded post may not be to your liking. If, however, you live in areas like mine where snow is a wondrous spectacle, a rarely-if-even-once-a-year event, then come join with me in thanking our Unholy Lord of the Underworld for this blessing (no, not Satan, the other one).

I awoke Sunday morning to Robin's voice. "Oh my GOD," he said while leaning off the bed and looking outside. Something about the white glow bathing our room suggested to me that a monumental event had occurred. What could it be? A new billboard sign constructed overnight? A unicorn? A nuclear holocaust? (GASP!!) It must be SNOW!!! I peered over the window ledge to see that my suspicions were confirmed. It wasn't just snowing; it was dumping. I consider myself to be up on the latest weather affecting our lovely state, so you can imagine my surprise when I leaned out to see this unbelievable sight when just the night before, the forecast foretold of 37 degrees and rain. It was nowhere near 37 degrees. I was so dumbfounded that I went to our trusty computer to take a look at what the reports were saying (after the tubes warmed up of course). It was actually 27 degrees and the snow had no plans on letting up.

Robin and I got up and put on our pajamas, excited for the coming day spent at home wrapped in warm blankets with kitty purring loudly in our lap. The weather didn't disappoint. The snow just kept coming until there were 6 inches of fresh powder at our house. 'Round about breakfast time, we were hankerin' for some grub so we saddled up and moseyed on down to tha Albertson's (Sorry, but after beginning that last sentence with "'round about", I couldn't just stop there now could I?). We picked up some ingredients for a delicious white bean chili and home we went. Chris met up with us and we had a delicious breakfast followed later by a delicious white bean chili. All was right with the world.

Everything froze Sunday night, so it was declared Monday that we would have a snow day. Again sitting at home, I watched outside as the flurries continued flurrying most of the morning. The temperature had no intention of continuing this freezing state, so it rose by midday and everything began to melt. This morning I woke up to rain and 34 degrees. Alls I can say is that even though it was short lived, our 2007 snow storm won't soon be forgotten by this humble servant of the Under Lord.


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